Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hurricane Preparedness is NEVER OVER!

And we thought hurricane season was over!

Well I was ready to do my semi-annual Hurricane Preparedness Review Day activities of checking my emergency preparedness checklist and rotating my disaster supplies on November 6th after I change the batteries in my smoke alarms. Then guess what I see in my hurricane reports! Yep a tropical storm that may turn into a hurricane. Tropical Storm Noel has already killed 19 people in Haiti and Dominican Republic and after it finishes crossing the inland of Cuba and goes back out to the warm waters of the Atlantic again, it could become a hurricane.

We are about 10 days from the official end of hurricane season. So now Noel is going to do her stuff? I have no idea if Noel will become a hurricane or not. What I do know is that any potential storm can have significant threat to life, home and business.

I commend you for reading this blog. It means that you are interested in obtaining wise disaster preparedness information for a number of resources. Good for you. The more prepared we are for a hurricane the more prepared we will be for frankly any kind f a disaster. Emergency preparedness tips can be so helpful when facing a disaster situation.

So keep an ear out for more information on Noel and don’t forget to review your emergency preparedness checklist, disaster kits and update your emergency preparedness plans as well as your disaster recovery plans on November 6th!


Please share your thoughts, emergency preparedness tips and stories here on this blog.

All I ask is that everyone be respectful and sensitive of each other and that identifying information about a person who is not the author be limited to protect their privacy.

Be Safe


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