Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Surprise & Gift From Hurricane Humberto!

Hurricane Humberto slowly poked along through Texas. Bestowing upon everyone, torrential rains and high winds. Everyone was surprised that Tropical Storm Humberto would become a hurricane. But guess what!!! It did.

We think we are so smart that our science and advanced minds know more than nature. WOW are we stupid or what?!? No, we know a lot about a few things but when it come to nature’s furry we really don’t have but a tea cup of knowledge compared to the complexities and strength of a hurricane. Many in our communities have even les than a teaspoon of disaster preparedness information. That is why when a major storm like Hurricane Humberto hits so many in our communities are unprepared. Don’t be like that, Get hurricane preparedness under your belt and emergency preparedness necessities in your closet, under your bed or in your basement.

Yes we need to always be expanding our disaster preparedness information knowledge but we also need to be prepared when our lack of knowledge and nature’s evens come together.

Texas is still suffering from a major down pour of rain. Many parts of that coast region that reaches even into Louisiana certainly didn’t need more rain. In few hours of heavy rain in soggy saturated Texas, two elderly couples have had to be emergency evacuated from their homes due to raising waters.

Let us keep these couples and all affected by that sudden and frankly unpredicted disaster in our thoughts and prayers. Being faced with neck high flooding at any age is difficult. Facing that sort of situation at the later years of ones life is much harder physically and perhaps emotionally as well. If your are a senior citizen or have loved ones who are senior citizens, know that there are a number of different issues that this segment of our population generally deals with that others may not have as much problem with. If you don’t know about emergency preparedness issues with seniors then call your local Department of Senior Services for more disaster preparedness information as well as check out my chapter on “The Elderly” in my most recent book: Train For A Hurricane. There are resources and emergency preparedness tips that can help our senior citizens during times of disaster be safe and as comfortable as possible when natural and human made dangers occur.

Humberto has given us a major gift. Yes it is a major gift even though so many are facing floods and mud everywhere. What is the gift you ask? The gift is that it again reminds ALL of us to be prepared for any sort of disaster.


My question to you is:

How prepared are you for a disaster? What if that was your home going under in hurricane flooding or tornado whirlwind - do you know what you would do? Do you have what it takes to be prepared with an emergency preparedness checklist? Are you ready for a disaster with emergency preparedness kits? Where is YOUR emergency preparedness disaster plan? Do you even HAVE a disaster plan? If not then GET ONE!

In most individual’s lifetime, they will have to face at least once some sort of a disaster. It may be a minor disaster or a killer one. Still, no matter the size or circumstance, disasters bring chaos. Are you prepared for an interruption in life resulting in some form of disaster chaos?

Disasters are the great disrupters in life.

This is a wake up call folks. Get Prepared NOW. When a disaster occurs, it is way too late to start preparing! Now not later is what is necessary.


Are you or have you been a disaster? Do you know someone who is or has been in the past?

Please share your thoughts and stories here on this blog.

All I ask is that everyone be respectful and sensitive of each other and that identifying information about a person who is not the author be limited to protect their privacy.

Be Safe!


Dr. Terrie Modesto, Critical Incident Thanatologist

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