Saturday, September 29, 2007

Do we still need to prepare for a hurrcane?

When it comes to hurricanes – Are we still in the wind and rain or out of the woods? Do we need to prepare for a hurricane?

Is hurricane seson over with?

When that question came up, a friend of mine said, “Oh we HAD a nice quite year for hurricanes. The US didn’t get any!” I asked "How come you think hurricane season is already over with?" Well she said: “the peak is over and if nothing has happened by then, than we are out of the woods.”

We may have already hit the peak for historical purposes for hurricanes BUT we are certainly NOT OUT OF THE WOODS. We can be thankful that no major hurricane storms have hit the US but we also need to be concerned for our neighbors in Mexico and South America that really got slammed.

We also need to still be hurricane prepared. If you don’t think so, then read the announcement from the Weather Channel about what might be cooking in the Gulf.

Those on the oil markets think we are not out of the hurricane storm woods yet and have raised the price of oil due to the possibility of a Gulf of Mexico hurricane disaster. The water is still warm and things can happen.

Keep hurricane prepared or continue to get prepared. What ever you do, don’t eat that extra stock of granola bars and cans of tuna you have on hand for emergency disaster preparation, you may still need those emergency preparedness necessities this year. Oh yea, if tuna and granola are all you have stocked for a hurricane, think seriously about reading Train For A Hurricane, it may help your hurricane storm experience be a more comfortable and a much safer one! It has 300+ pages of disaster preparedness information to help you find yoru way out of the hurricane woods when the winds blow!

We are not out of the woods so make sure you have your emergency preparedness checklist all ready and know the latest emergency preparedness tips.

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