Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hurricanes, Leprechauns & Emergency Preparedness

The Pot Of Gold Is In Hurricane Prepaedness

Just got finished reading Neil Kastor’s blog article: How Far North Can A Hurricane Go? Interesting article Thanks for the reminder Neil, about how a storm in one section of the world can certainly affect others in distant lands. For me the important thing to remember is that we need to be prepared for all sorts of disasters including ‘extratropical’ storms.

The first time I traveled by ferry from Wales to Ireland I was shocked when we docked, there were no leprechauns but INSTEAD there were Palm Trees! I thought want a lousy joke until a staff member told me that when there are hurricanes on my side of the ‘pond’ also known as the United States, they often cause small palm trees to be uprooted and caught in the water streams / currents of the Atlantic Ocean and ultimately lands on the coast of Ireland were they re-root themselves.

No matter where you are in the world, there are disasters. Everyone is called upon if for no other reason than survival to have Emergency Preparedness as part of their general routine of life. Hurricanes in particular occur EVERY YEAR and as a result more areas can be affected by numerous storms. Hurricane preparedness is essential. No matter if you live in Alaska or Borneo everyone should have an emergency preparedness kit of necessary supplies that address the issues in their region of the world. Every one should have an emergency preparedness checklist not only for their homes but also for their cars and travel bags when they go on vacation / holiday. Emergency preparedness necessities are vital not only for survival like having a flashlight, water proof matches, emergency food supplies, extra medications and supplies as well as 3 days worth of extra water. These are just the very tip of the iceberg of emergency preparedness tips that each of us should know in case of an emergency. Everyone should have a good knowledge of disaster preparedness information and have designed their own emergency preparedness plans for their families and for work. For those who live in the hurricane area it is of utmost importance that every family have all their hurricane preparedness supplies available. It’s not too late or early to start. The sooner you start the better your supplies will be as well as the cost for those supplies will be much less than if you wait until the hurricane is starting to blow or worse yet after a hurricane has done it nasty damage.

Don’t think that a hurricane or some other danger can’t happen to you, it can. You’ll have much more luck by preparing for a hurricane than seeing Leprechauns on the banks of Ireland along with the palm trees.


Are you or have you been in a hurricane disaster? Do you know someone who is recovering or has been affected by a hurricane in the past? Please share your thoughts and stories here on this blog. All I ask is that everyone be respectful and sensitive of each other and that identifying information about a person who is not the author be limited to protect their privacy.

Be Safe!


Dr. Terrie Modesto, Critical Incident Thanatologist

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