Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hurricane Preparedness Emergency Cash Do YOU Have On Hand?

How Much Emergency Money
Do You Have
For Hurricane Preparedness?

A Google alert this afternoon has a great question. It asks: “Could Your Income Survive A Hurricane?” Is a very important question that we should all ask ourselves.

Emergency Preparedness doesn’t start the moment the first meteorologist mentions the word hurricane. It is not when the state of Florida gives that month of tax free buying for hurricane items.

Hurricane preparedness
must be a year long every year experience. It is getting as much disaster preparedness information on every subject possible. This included the financial issues of a hurricane or any other devastation. When there is a mention of a hurricane there is a quickly run on ATM machines. Not surprising either. Many individuals have less than $30 cash at any given time available to them including the money in the pillow to the coins in the sofa!

Hey I generally have less than $20 bucks on me for ordinary spending BUT there must be a set – aside cash in your pocket for an emergency as well as cash available for the possibility of a disaster or other untold emergency. Many experts suggest at least $1,000 cash per household. I know that is a lot of money to have around especially when some one is making $20,000 per year income. Yet over time saving a little bit of money daily can add up if someone is willing to make a few MINOR sacrifices or delayed gratification and start to put a bit of family emergency preparedness money way every day.

If you and your spouse or partner started today and each adult put in just $1.00 per day in the emergency jar, then this time next year you would have $730 towards your goal for your family emergency fund.

Would you really miss a buck a day when you go out and often spend much more than that at a McDonald’s for a Big Mac or a Starbuck for coffee? If each of you omitted just one coffee at Starbuck for $3.75 or $3.50 hamburger and included that saved money in your emergency fund, then in a year you would have reached your goal and then some!

Additionally, have a second skill to fall back on can also be of help in supplementing income. By picking up all the disaster preparedness information

Think of it, Starbuck would not be bankrupt because you omitted one cup of their double latte Grande once a week and you will have your family well positioned to face an emergency.

Disaster preparedness is important for all kinds of situations. Get as many emergency preparedness tips as possible. After you get as much disaster preparedness information as possible then go about developing your emergency preparedness plan. Then develop your emergency preparedness checklist. After you have that then start of work towards collecting all your emergency preparedness necessities.

If you want more information on how to go about developing a Hurricane Disaster Plan I invite you to read my book Train For A Hurricane. It will give you loads of ideas about how to prepare as well as a workbook and template to complete your own personalized disaster plan.


Please share your thoughts and stories here on this blog.

All I ask is that everyone be respectful and sensitive of each other and that identifying information about a person who is not the author be limited to protect their privacy.

Be Safe


Could Your Income Survive A Hurricane?

As you know, Hurricane Katrina has caused destruction and devastation across several states. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced and are unable to work since the storm. Businesses have been closed for weeks. The economical impact is unimaginable. No one knows what the effects will ...

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