Saturday, October 13, 2007

Are YOU Ready For YOUR Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Drill October 28th?

Checked YOUR Emergency Preparedness Checklist Lately?

I know 2007 hurricane season is almost over and so far it looks like we have dodged a major hurricane bullet this year. Everyone is starting to breathe a bill easier since the temperatures are cooling off fast and there is little sign of big storms brewing in the Atlantic Ocean that could result in troubles in the Gulf Coast and Atlantic Coast Regions of the US. We in the US may have gotten off easy this time but certainly those in Mexico and South America are still cleaning up.

The big fear with critical incident experts is that after a relatively calm year of hurricane storms, individuals and households will be lulled into a sleepy notion that there is really not that big a deal to have emergency preparedness plans that include 2008 hurricane season. That is foolish thinking.

No matter if it was an easy hurricane season or not everyone need to have the following to BEGIN to be hurricane prepared!

  1. Have as much disaster preparedness information as possible about your local area and what is recommended for households in that area.
  2. Complete comprehensive emergency preparedness plans for EACH member of your household including the pets
  3. Have an expertly written hurricane reference disaster guide available at all times, Keep it packed with all your emergency supplies
  4. Learn as many emergency preparedness tips as possible
  5. Keep at least one emergency preparedness checklist with each hurricane disaster survival kit
  6. Keep low cost emergency survival kits in each car as well as at work.
  7. Rotate your emergency preparedness necessities at least once per year.
  8. Practice emergency preparedness disaster drills at home each year. Good time to do it is when you change the batteries in your smoke detector just before daylight saving time and standard time goes into affect. Twice a year disaster preparedness days can save your life and home in a disaster. A few hours a head of time can save days of frustration, hardship and need later on!

If you do not know how to prepare a disaster preparedness plan for each family member and pet or how to deal with evacuation issues in an emergency and creating low cost hurricanerecovery kits , all information is available and much, much more in my 2 book” Train For A Hurricane and Get & Go Disaster Guide For Pets.


Please share your thoughts, emergency preparedness tips and stories here on this blog.

All I ask is that everyone be respectful and sensitive of each other and that identifying information about a person who is not the author be limited to protect their privacy.

Be Safe


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